24. jul. 2010

M kot modro, morje, mir, ...

Že celo večnost nisem nič napisala na blog. Krivo je poletje. Gužva v službi pred dopustom, pakiranje, izbiranje destinacije v zadnjem trenutku, potem pa en teden odklopa, tudi od interneta, čeprav mi je dosegljiv. Vendar sem potrebovala polnjenje mojih baterij. V tem času je nastalo ob mojih jutranjih in večernih urah kar nekaj fotografij, saj je fotoaparat moj najboljši prijatelj ob zgodnjih in večernih urah. Uživajte, kjerkoli ste že!

For a long time I didn’t wrote on blog. Summer is the reason for that Hurry on work, before I went to vacations, packing, choosing destinations at the last minute. Then one week of disconnection, including the Internet, though I can be reached. But I need my batteries charge. In the meantime, was formed by my morning and evening with a few photos because the camera is my best friend in the early and evening hours. Enjoy, wherever you are!

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