28. jun. 2010


Danes sem morala pod nujno preizkusiti tole štampiljko. Idejo za izvedbo sem dobila pri Hero Arts. Mislim, da imam rož v obliki štampiljk že več, kot pa na balkonu! No, teh vsaj zalivat ni treba. Lep in sončen delovni teden vam želim!

Today I must test this stamp! The technique I used I learned here, at Hero Arts. I think I have now more flowers on stamps, then on the balcony! Well, these need not be watered at least! Nice and sunny work week!

25. jun. 2010


Ja, regratove lučke so že odcvetele, veter je raznesel semena, vendar so pri meni še vedno v uporabi! Malo sem se igrala z embosing prahi in distress blazinicami, metulja sta iz pavsa, svetleč efekt pa sem dosegla z Glimmer mist-om. Upam, da so te regratove lučke primerne tudi za izziv na Craft-alnici. Lep vikend vam želim!

Dandelions are gone already, the wind blow seeds, but they are still with me in use! I play with embossing powder and distress inks. Butterflies are made of vellum. Glossy effect I made with Glimmer Mist. I hope that dandelions suitable for a challenge on Craft-alnica. I wish you a nice weekend!

20. jun. 2010


Pri Just Us Girls, je ta teden za izziv predlagana barvna shema, z čokoladno, roza in vanilijevo barvo. Priznam, da sem se težko našla v roza barvi. Z izdelkom pa sem vseeno zadovoljna. Upam, da ste lep in ustvarjalen vikend!

The challenge this week over at Just Us Girls is to make a card with pink, chocolate and vanilla colors. I admit that pink is not my favorite color, but in combination with chocolate and vanilla, I am satisfied with finished card. I hope you had a nice and creative weekend!

18. jun. 2010


Zopet sem se malo igrala z tehnikami in ustvarila tile dve čestitki. Zakaj dve? Ker sem mislila, da bom eno med delom uničila, pa je bolje, da vzporedno delam dve, da bo vsaj ena na koncu postala izdelek. Pa sta obe "preživeli", zato objava obeh. Lep konec tedna vam želim!

Again, I played a bit with techniques and create these two cards. Why two? Because I thought I ruined one of the work, but it is better that I do two in parallel to at least one of the end product becomes. And the two "survivors", and post both. Have a nice weekend!

15. jun. 2010


Takšne vrste čestitke nisem naredila že kar nekaj časa. Ko sem brskala po internetu, sem naletela na stran kjer se Julia poigra s pausom. Ker ga nekaj premorem doma na zalogi, če me slučajno zagrabi pergamentna tehnika, sem bila takoj za, da preizkusim njen postopek. Jaz sem uporabila kar flumastre, ker še nisem srečna lastnica Copic markerjev (mislim, da jih za enkrat še ne rabim).

I haven't made this type of card for some time. I was browsing internet and I found Julie's homepage who was playing with wellum. Since I have some of that at home for a case of doing some pergament, I tried her technique. I used regular markers because I don't own Copic markers (I think I don't need them yet).

13. jun. 2010


Ko sem začela delati tole čestitko, še nisem vedela, kakšen bo končni izdelek. Izdelovala sem jo po etapah, ker mi je bilo enostavno prevroče. Je bila vmes vsaj ena pavza z ledeno kavo, pa čvek z prijateljico, pa ...
No, tole pa je na koncu nastalo z distress blazinicami, prahom in pištole za embosiranje in metuljčka, ki sem ga kupila že pred časom, a je šele danes prišel na vrsto.

When I started made this card, I did not know what the final product will be. I elaborate on it in stages, because it was simply too hot. I had quite a few rests with ice coffee, and chat with a friend, and, ... With distress pads, embossing powder and heat gun I made this card. I also added a butterfly, which I bought long time ago, but has only now come to the series.

11. jun. 2010


Mislim, da sem se odločila za svojo najljubšo barvo. Ali pa vsaj mislim, da imam trenutno rjavo v vseh tonih za svojo favoritko. No, mogoče samo pri čestitkah, ker če pomislim, rjavih oblačil nimam prav dosti. Mogoče pa velja to samo danes, saj ni važno, samo da mi je všeč. S to čestitko sem se hotela prijavit na izziv Just Us Girls, a sem prepozno napisala objavo ha, ha! No, za izziv na Caardvaks pa se prijavljam še pravočasno. Upam, da bo všeč tudi vam.

Think I've found my favourite color or at least I think that I have brown color in all it's shades for my favourite. Well maybe for the greeting cards, certainly not for the clothes. Maybe it's only that brown is my favourite color of the day. It doesn't really matter as long as I like it. With this greeting card I'm applying for the Caardvaks challenge. I wanted to sign up to the challenge Just Us Girls too, but I wrote this post too late :-(

8. jun. 2010


Prvi del izziva za InLinkz blog je za nami (objava čestitke). Sedaj pa se je začelo še glasovanje za najboljšo. Če vam je moja všeč, si poglejte spodnjo objavo in glasujte za št. 48. (glas oddate tako, da kliknete na zvezdico nad sliko)
Če pa vam je pri srcu katera druga, pa tudi prav.

Glasovanje se zaključi v petek ob 23. uri.

You can vote for my card, if you like it - number 48. (see previous post)

Submit your vote by clicking the little star above the picture.