18. jun. 2010


Zopet sem se malo igrala z tehnikami in ustvarila tile dve čestitki. Zakaj dve? Ker sem mislila, da bom eno med delom uničila, pa je bolje, da vzporedno delam dve, da bo vsaj ena na koncu postala izdelek. Pa sta obe "preživeli", zato objava obeh. Lep konec tedna vam želim!

Again, I played a bit with techniques and create these two cards. Why two? Because I thought I ruined one of the work, but it is better that I do two in parallel to at least one of the end product becomes. And the two "survivors", and post both. Have a nice weekend!

1 komentar:

Jill pravi ...

These are gorgeous! I love the colors and the beads look so cool and creative- I've never seen anything like that before!

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