Takšne vrste čestitke nisem naredila že kar nekaj časa. Ko sem brskala po internetu, sem naletela na stran kjer se Julia poigra s pausom. Ker ga nekaj premorem doma na zalogi, če me slučajno zagrabi pergamentna tehnika, sem bila takoj za, da preizkusim njen postopek. Jaz sem uporabila kar flumastre, ker še nisem srečna lastnica Copic markerjev (mislim, da jih za enkrat še ne rabim).
I haven't made this type of card for some time. I was browsing internet and I found Julie's homepage who was playing with wellum. Since I have some of that at home for a case of doing some pergament, I tried her technique. I used regular markers because I don't own Copic markers (I think I don't need them yet).
3 komentarji:
So pretty! Great job with this technique!
Dobro si to naredila. Sama zelo rada delam s paus papirjem in mislim, da mi ostaja še veliko odprtih možnosti kako ga uporabit. :-)
I like this.... very pretty card!
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